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  • 8.1.1. It is the intent of this section to permit signs of a commercial, industrial, and residential nature in districts which have uses with appropriate need for signs and to regulate the size and placement of signs intended to be seen from a public right-of-way or public waters.

    8.1.2. Signs including outdoor advertising structures are herein regulated for the intent of regulating excess signage, encouraging the positive economic development of the County, preserving and improving tourism views, promoting the safety of the traveling public, protecting existing property values in both residential and non-residential areas, preventing the overcrowding of land and protecting the aesthetics of the County.

    8.1.3. The regulations are designed to prevent overconcentration, improper placement, and excessive height, bulk number and area of signs. It is recognized that, unlike on-premise identification signs which are (in actuality) a part of a business, off-premise outdoor advertising is a separate and distinct use of the public thoroughfare. Because of these fundamental differences, off-premises outdoor advertising signs are regulated differently from on-premise signs.